no one.... conversation/Video Documentation (Click)
no one……. …….in conversation 1994
in collaboration with Richard Dyck
Excerpts from 1994 statement: “They corresponded through found objects to create the graphic, audio, and programming elements of No One... Conversation.....This correspondence lasted about eight months. Reva sent Rick the first object, a beautiful 1957 family photograph, and got the "conversation" going. From the photo he approached and created his first Amiga element. Then he sent Reva an object, a 1957 penny (he never sent her what he created, neither did she ever send him what she created). Using the penny, she approached and created her first Mac element. What she created she kept private from him and vice versa. This privacy assured them independence. The exchange of objects itself provided a vital spine for the project: they weren't random objects, but "words" to their conversation. To try to decipher what they were talking about with these objects, Rick kept a list, attempting with it something like dream analysis.”