erasure Exhibition/ Documentation Video (click)
erasure Exhibition view 2
Falling Video 2019 (click)
Atomic Bomb Video (click)
erase Description (click)
Chrome Text / Drone Sound Audio (click)
erasure Exhibition 2019
The ubiquitous use of uavs has become so normalized that media are focus less and less on presenting information about them. The erasure of their formerly highly mediated representations includes discussions about remote killings; about collateral damage; the changing nature of war itself, and the ethical slippage that is occurring today outside of existing laws of war. My intention isn’t to make a case for or against the use of uavs, but to frame the issues in ways that add to the dialogue that surrounds their use.
Andrew Winton, Programmer, Drone Electronics
Adam Brown, Programmer, Drones
Michelle Gagne-Orr, Photography
Amanda Kindzierski, Videography