Carnevale 3.0 Exhibition/Video Documentation (click)
Carnevale 3.0 2002
Carnevale 3.0
Detail: Video Projector
Detail: Camera
Carnevale 3.0
computer controlled video and audio projections, life-sized aluminum figure and robotic platform, microcontroller, video camera, video projector, multiple sensors
Carnevale 3.0, investigates how sentience is constructed from living in an extended structure of time in relationship with memory and bodily experience. As a mediator of experience this robotic entity has the ability to manifest human behaviour by generating responsive movements, processing information, and accessing long term or short-term memory. Recollection, physicality and sentience become mutable entities.
Dave Sandeman: Machinist, Base Programmer, Electronics
Richard Dyck: Video Programmer
Victor Goertzen: Electronic Technologist
Chad Harris: Machinist
Photography: Judith Boyer, Ernest Mayer, Richard-Max Tremblay, Kristine Thoreson